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The Challenge

Cars, buses, trains, and trucks are responsible for an estimated 40 percent of California’s greenhouse gas emissions — that’s double the emissions from power plants. Then there’s the traffic….


By reducing vehicle miles, we reduce greenhouse gases. With improved public transit, including new rail lines and more efficient bus routes, coupled with projects that make passages safer and more welcoming for walkers and bikers, we can move with more ease, speed, and comfort; reduce traffic congestion; give our local economy a boost; alleviate air pollution; and fight climate change.


Climate Resolve is organizing stakeholders to create easier and safer ways to get around Los Angeles that also reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We are advocating for mobility options that are sustainable, safer, and improve public health — by investing in better transit and safer active transportation options for Los Angeles. In addition, we are supporting measures to improve job quality for bus operators, including the designation of layover locations and bathroom breaks, floating bus islands and dedicated bus lanes to decrease the need to merge in and out of traffic, and transit ambassadors for behavioral health outreach.

Our recent transit victories include the approval of the North Hollywood to Pasadena Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and 3,000 new bus shelters based on ridership and heat exposure.


Climate Rresolve Envirometro Image


EnviroMetro is an ad-hoc coalition working to realize green transportation policy outcomes in Los Angeles. This group of forward-thinking organizations works with Metro on shifting its investment priorities, so that we can usher in a new era of green, equitable, and healthy transportation options in Los Angeles.

Climate Resolve Electric Car Hero

Electric & Zero-Emission Vehicles

Climate Resolve is dedicated to helping advance the accessibility of EV and ZEV, whether through infrastructural improvements or providing information directly to consumers.

Street Guide LA

Living Streets Guide

The purpose of this document is to provide elected leaders, city staff, advocates and community members with information and resources to accelerate development of “Living Streets”

cr Transit-Oriented Communities hero

Transit-Oriented Communities – Metro Policy & Implementation

Ensuring that we have transit-supportive land uses so that people really can ditch the car or live car-lite.



Bus Shelter Blitz

Climate Resolve has played two main roles in the Bus Shelter Blitz project: (1) providing scientific data on urban heat exposure; and (2) advising on adding hydration stations at bus stops.

Urban Cooling Wyandotte Design

Complete Streets in Canoga Park

Climate Resolve has worked with the community of Canoga Park on implementing new street designs they would like to see around the Metro Orange Line Station at Sherman Way.

Transportation Lead the Way California

Lead the Way, California

Climate Resolve joined nearly 50 organizations across the state in releasing a comprehensive, forward-thinking transportation platform to guide Governor-Elect Gavin Newsom...

Climate Resolve More Choices More Traffic Hero

More Choices, Less Traffic

Times change. Ideas shift. New paradigms emerge to meet the needs and wants of today’s society. May this framing document contribute to such a fruitful, prosperity-enhancing transition.


The links below will direct you outside of the Climate Resolve website.



Streets For All challenges Los Angeles’ next leaders to make a specific and substantial promise: give 25 percent of street space back to the people by 2025.


Destruction For Nada

Highway expansions do not solve the issue of traffic and only place more cars on roads due to induced demand. Metro’s budget should reflect Los Angeles’ goals of fighting climate change, not making the problem worse.


L.A. Taco Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate Mobility Questionnaire

In collaboration with L.A. Taco (and more), we created the LA Mayoral Candidate Mobility Questionnaire, so that Angelenos could see where the 20222 mayoral candidates stand on transit-related issues.