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andres profile

Andres Rodriguez

Coordinator, Resilience & Outreach


Andres Rodriguez is dedicated to serving disadvantaged and marginalized communities during these unprecedented times. Being from Boyle Heights, CA., Andres was exposed to the everyday struggles of residing in a disadvantaged and low-income community and felt the need to advocate for basic social rights at an early age. His love for the outdoors also played a role in fighting for equitable access to green spaces in underserved communities.

At Climate Resolve, he assists the organization through policy research, grant writing, quantitative analysis, community organizing, and technical assistance. Andres is in charge of providing technical assistance to the City of Rialto through the BOOST program.

He is involved in engaging stakeholders in Boyle Heights during its efforts to update the Boyle Heights Community Plan and is also providing support on creating Boyle Heights’ first ever resilience hub.

His past professional experience includes positions at the Lee Andrews Group, California Conservation Corps., West Coast Arborists, Inc. and an internship with Los Angeles Council District 8 under Councilmember Marqueece Harris-Dawson. Andres holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Urban Studies and Planning from California State University, Northridge. In his spare time, he spends a lot of time participating in outdoor activities, exploring different restaurants in Los Angeles, and spending time with his friends and family.