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Sacramento California outside the capital building

California’s climate bond must be
just and balanced

Governor Newsom and the California Legislature are preparing a new bond measure to fund climate resilience. The goal is to place the bond measure on the 2024 ballot.

This is excellent news!!

However, early reports out of Sacramento are not so great. The current drafts only dedicate 10% of their dollars to protect human health from extreme heat events.

Yes, we love our forests, lakes, rivers, and beaches — and we know that California’s resources deserve protection; we must not forget that climate change IMPACTS PEOPLE.

According to a recent UCLA study, heat waves are responsible for approximately 3,600 deaths in California each year.

Climate change was once called global WARMING . . . or have we forgotten?

According to the Gender Equity Policy Institute, last year’s proposed climate bond measures would have resulted in “92% of all funds benefitting men living in rural areas . . . far out of proportion to their share of the state population.”

California is the Golden State — and our state can remain golden with clear blue skies, clean shores, beautiful forests, with a good economy populated by healthy, thriving people — despite climate change.

Yes, we can keep California golden . . . but we need to make the right decisions today.

By filling out this action alert and hitting “send,” you’ll be sending a clear message that these proposed general obligation bonds need to be fairly and equitably allocated so that funds reach the people who need them the most.