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Protecting Indoor & Outdoor Workers

Exhausted! — Workers Confront Extreme Heat and Wildfire Smoke in California

Climate Resolve is pleased to publish Exhausted! Workers Confront Extreme Heat and Wildfire Smoke in California, an in-depth report on how climate change is impacting workers in the Golden State.

The report examines existing California policies and practices – as well as a review of the latest research on the economic, physical, and psychological impacts of working in extreme conditions. The report offers eighteen on-point recommendations on how to better protect California’s essential workers.

“Workers must have access to cool environments, water to stay hydrated, proper ventilation, and other safety measures if we want goods delivered and food to remain accessible in the United States,” observed Marc Futernick M.D., Managing Editor of The Journal of Climate Change and Health.

The report was underwritten by Resilient Cities Catalyst and the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation through the California Resilience Partnership.

Click the following links for the Exhausted! one-pager (English | Spanish) and Exhausted! two-pager summary of recommendations to protect workers (English | Spanish).

Why is this so important?

Until the Standards are reviewed and adopted by the Occupational Safety & Health Standards Board, Cal/OSHA inspectors have few enforcement tools available. Without clear rules stating the temperature at which heat is hazardous, businesses face no threat of enforcement action. Since New Year’s Day 2019, at least 60 indoor heat-related complaints have been filed with Cal/OSHA and remain in limbo. The longer the state waits, the longer it will take to regain worker trust in the entity meant to protect them.

Won’t you lend your voice and help the voiceless? Click here to let Cal/OSHA know it needs to protect essential indoor workers!