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Landscape Analysis Report for the Inland Southern California Region

Climate Resolve and the Inland Southern California Climate Collaborative (ISC3) co-authored the report, Landscape Analysis Report for the Inland Southern California Region.

The report presents an overview of relevant climate impacts to the Inland Southern California Region, which includes Imperial County, Riverside County, and San Bernardino County. It highlights actions that Inland Southern Californian municipalities in each county have taken to adapt to these impacts and compiles a list of current state and federal funding opportunities for them to pursue in support of their climate adaptation planning and project implementation.

“With the ISC3’s help, we were able to receive input that enabled us to develop a report that represents current trends in the region,” said Climate Resolve’s Deputy Director Bryn Lindblad. “The report takes stock of hazards and risks to the region, as well as innovative approaches to enhance equity and community resiliency. This report is one example of how the climate collaborative is acting as a resource to the Inland Southern California region, sharing best practices and inspiring further actions to help communities succeed in the face of climate change.”