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Ready for Tomorrow
Grant Writing Assistance Program

Since 2020, Climate Resolve’s Ready for Tomorrow program has provided grant writing services to communities in Los Angeles County and Inland Southern California: the cities of Compton, Commerce, Rialto, Moreno Valley, San Fernando, South El Monte, and Blythe; the Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG); the Fernandeño Tataviam Band of Mission Indians; as well as nonprofit organizations such as Nature for All, Center for Sustainable Communities – Compton, and the United States Green Building Council of Los Angeles (USGBC-LA). 

To-date our efforts have won grants of approximately $24 million.

“I believe that through this grant assistance program, the City was afforded a chance at a grant that would have otherwise been difficult to coordinate given the City’s current lack of resources during this trying time. City staff was also afforded a great opportunity to learn about grant writing and that provided an invaluable resource to the City.”

Alejandra Rocha
Contract Assistant Planner
City of Commerce

Partners That We’ve Helped

Grantee Grant Grantor Amount Project
CSUN & Fernandeño Tataviam Band of Mission Indians
Urban and Community Forestry Grants
U.S. Department of Agriculture
This project will restore sustainable ecological practices in targeted areas across the City. In collaboration with Indigenous organizations, the project will establish community-based Tribal nurseries alongside planting culturally significant native trees.
City of Moreno Valley
Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant Program
To create a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) plan in order to maximize traveler options, ensure everyone has access to destinations via alternative transportation in Disadvantaged Community Areas (DACs), develop mitigation methods thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and to increase multimodalism in transportation plans.
City of Moreno Valley
Active Transportation Program
To increase safe access to facilities, curb ramps, and sidewalks, ensuring a safe transition of individuals with disabilities to access public events and facilities, and protecting pedestrians from vehicular travel.
City of Rialto
Active Transportation Program
To fund improvements along the Pacific Electric Trail forming a 21-mile continuous facility for bicycles and pedestrians from Los Angeles County through the heart of San Bernardino County.
Fernandeño Tataviam Band of Mission Indians
Regional Climate Collaboratives
Strategic Growth Council
Establishment of the 2030 Resilient Networks Collaborative, a Tribally-led collaborative that aims to outline best practices for developing and conducting climate resilience projects with Tribes.
City of San Fernando
Adaptation Planning Grant Program
Integrated Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Program
To complete the City’s Climate Action and Resilience Plan (CARP) and update elements in its General Plan. The project will engage the community early on to gather input in an equitable manner, develop targeted strategies to address disparities and support vulnerable populations to address climate-related concerns.
City of Blythe & Palo Verde Valley Transit Agency
Clean California Local
Improve several key City & Transit facilities and bus stops across Blythe.
City of Commerce
Sustainable Transportation Equity Project Implementation
California Air Resources Board
Fund Class II bike lanes, 400 shade trees, two zero-emission fixed route buses, two zero-emission Dial-A-Ride shuttles, and a Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) and Displacement Avoidance Plan for the buildout of LA Metro’s future Citadel rail station.
City of Compton
Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Planning
Southern California Gas Company
Update City’s General Plan Safety Element and Local Hazard Mitigation Plan.
City of South El Monte
Sustainable Transportation Equity Project Implementation
California Air Resources Board
Support “Rush Street Corridor Enhancement Plan” to envision an increase in multimodal transportation, biking and walking structures, expansion of the urban forest, and ways to spur TOD.
Coachella Valley Association of Governments
Clean California Local
Increase access to Coachella Valley Link (CV Link) a regional multi-modal transportation project with community connectors in Coachella and Cathedral City.
Fernandeño Tataviam Band of Mission Indians
California Resilience Challenge
California Resilience Challenge
Develop Climate Resilience Plan.
Fernandeño Tataviam Band of Mission Indians
EJ Data Fund
Environmental Justice Data Fund
Support facets of Climate Resilience Plan.
Quick Start
TECH Clean California
Support “Green Homes: Los Angeles” program to install heat pumps in multifamily affordable housing and to provide tenant education.

“Climate Resolve’s Grant Writing Assistance Program has been instrumental in our pursuit of grants that assist the Fernandeño Tataviam Band of Mission Indians in developing our climate resiliency framework for current and future generations.”

Rudy J. Ortega, Jr.
Tribal President
Fernandeno Tataviam Band of Mission Indians

Grant Writing Services

The following are the grant writing services:

  • Conducting stakeholder interviews to identify local climate priorities (e.g. SB 379 General Plan compliance, clean transportation options, extreme heat mitigation, stormwater infrastructure, tree canopy, etc.);
  • Researching and matching potential grants to fit the entities’ needs;
  • Creating a grant writing work plan to ensure submittal of the proposal on time; 
  • Organizing bi-weekly (at minimum) check-ins/calls to stay on top of the grant deadline and coordinate materials needed;
  • Organizing and compiling documents;  
  • Leading narrative brainstorming sessions;
  • Facilitating relationships between city staff and CBOs;
  • Creating ArcGIS maps that visually integrate data sources, such as CalEnviroScreen 3.0 and Cal-Adapt, into the narrative of the grant proposal;
  • Writing sections of the grant proposal; 
  • Providing redline edits on narrative drafts; and
  • Drafting templates for letters of support and requesting signed letters from key stakeholders.

“The value and benefit of the CR team was worth their weight in gold. The leadership and continued follow up was much more complete than many other consultant and grant assisting firms that we have used in the past.”

George Colangeli
General Manager
Palo Verde Valley Transit Authority

Climate Grant Opportunities

The following table provides a searchable, curated list of current climate grant opportunities from public and private sources that are organized under the categories of air quality, energy, forests/fire, greening, planning/engagement, transportation, and water/stormwater.

This grant table was developed using:

  • California’s Funding Wizard, a searchable database of grants, rebates and incentives for sustainable projects.
  • California’s Grants Portal, the State’s one-stop destination for grant seekers to find all grant and loan opportunities offered by State agencies on either a competitive or first-come award process.


If you have questions or comments about any of the information on this webpage, please contact the Technical Project Manager, Kristopher Eclarino at [email protected].
