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Climate Smart Schools

Proposition 39 program assistance

Climate Resolve is working on the Climate-Smart Schools (CSS) initiative to help Southern California schools with energy efficiency and water conservation efforts — so schools save money and help California meet its climate targets. CSS is an initiative to help Southern California school districts and Local Education Agencies (LEAs) work together to obtain the maximum dollar savings with allocations of their California Clean Energy Jobs Act (“Proposition 39”) funds. With our guidance and consultation, Los Angeles and Orange County  schools are now saving money and reducing greenhouse gases, and plowing the savings into educating the next generation.

Before After cr climate smart schools image 2cr climate smart schools image 1
Before After cr climate smart schools image 1Bolsa Grande High School reveals their new landscaping during a ceremony at the school in Garden Grove on Monday, October 22, 2018. Bolsa Grande was one of three schools in the Garden Grove Unified School District to receive a grant from the State of California to install stormwater management with a drought-tolerant landscape.  (Photo by Leonard Ortiz, Orange County Register/SCNG)

We provide Proposition 39 program assistance; act as an energy manager for districts; ensure school districts and LEAs get maximum savings from their Proposition 39 allocations; and make compliance easier.

CSS services include:

In addition to energy savings, schools reap “co-benefits,” including: