Complete Streets in Canoga Park

Climate Resolve has worked with the community of Canoga Park on implementing new street designs they would like to see around the Metro Orange Line Station at Sherman Way.

Project Background

The project aims to address a number of concerns: improving biking and walking safety, capturing and managing water, reducing heat and its impacts, and providing community amenities. As extreme heat days become more frequent in the San Fernando Valley, it is especially important to incorporate designs that will decrease the urban heat island effect, enhance multimodal transit, and improve the lives of Angelenos. Climate Resolve, alongside StreetsLA, Alta Planning + Design, and Council District 3 have hosted a series of workshops near the Canoga Park Farmers Market at Owensmouth Ave., which is one of the streets with proposed designs.

This project secured the second largest grant in the history of the California Active Transportation Program (ATP). The project has also been awarded for planning excellence by the American Planning Association, Los Angeles Chapter.

What Design Strategies Use To Break The Cycle?

The design solution for Owensmouth Avenue

Before After The design solution for Owensmouth Avenuedesign for Owensmouth Avenue at Valerio Street

The design solution for Sherman Way

Before After alta Proposed design for Sherman Way east of Canoga Avenue

The design solution for Owensmouth Plaza between Wyandotte Street and Sherman Way

Before After Climate Resolve Wyandotte Design AltaUrban Cooling Wyandotte Design